Data publikacji : 2024-12-30

World Order Transformations and Sustainable Development Goals: Challenges and Opportunities for Disability Inclusion



RESEARCH OBJECTIVE: This study aims to investigate the intersection of world order transformations, sustainable development goals, and their implications for individuals with disabilities. It seeks to analyze how shifts in global governance structures and sustainable development agendas either include or marginalize people with disabilities.

THE RESEARCH PROBLEM AND METHODS: The research problem focuses on the potential exclusion of people with disabilities from global development efforts amid evolving world orders and sustainable development initiatives. This study employs a qualitative approach, incorporating literature review, policy analysis, and case studies to examine the multifaceted dynamics involved.

THE PROCESS OF ARGUMENTATION: Through an examination of the historical context of world order transformations, an analysis of international development agendas, and an evaluation of their impact on individuals with disabilities, the study builds a nuanced argument. It explores how global governance structures can either facilitate or impede the inclusion of people with disabilities in sustainable development initiatives.

RESEARCH RESULTS: Findings indicate that, although notable progress has been made in recognizing disability rights within global development frameworks, significant gaps remain. Transformations in world order frequently fail to adequately address the diverse needs and experiences of individuals with disabilities, thereby perpetuating systemic inequalities.

CONCLUSIONS, INNOVATIONS, AND RECOMMENDATIONS: The study concludes that a more inclusive approach to global governance and sustainable development is essential for ensuring the full participation and empowerment of people with disabilities. It underscores the need for policy coherence, intersectional approaches, and meaningful engagement with disabled communities in shaping development agendas. This research provides innovative insights into the complex interplay between global politics, sustainable development, and disability rights. It recommends prioritizing disability-inclusive policies, fostering partnerships with disability organizations, and integrating disability perspectives across all levels of decision-making to establish more equitable and sustainable development pathways.





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