Published : 2024-09-30

The surveillance function of the political press: the case of national democracy periodicals in the years 1918–1939

Ewa Maj

Section: Vol. 15, No. 52 (2024): The image of power – media, politics, communication


RESEARCH OBJECTIVE: The main goal is to present the discourse regarding the assessment of power and politics, formulated in the interwar press of National Democracy. Detailed objectives include presenting the subject, course and effects of the monitoring function of political magazines. 

THE RESEARCH PROBLEM AND METHODS: The main research problem is to determine the surveillance tasks of the National Democracy press in relation to the government. The basic research method used in the text is the general desk research method combined with content analysis and press content analysis. 

THE PROCESS OF ARGUMENTATION: The introduction presents the communication strategy of National Democracy in the context of the controlling function of the press. Attention was paid to: (1) activities to protect the national well-being of Poles; (2) supervision of the government centre. Then, the focus moved to the detailed data on tracking the meanders of the political market and creating an image of the decision-making centre in the country.

RESEARCH RESULTS: The article showed that the press of National Demo­cracy aimed at comprehensive surveillance of the government. Journalists were giving their opinions on the directions of internal policy and the international position of the country. A political impact of their work was demonstrated by the reactions of public authorities, including repressions.

CONCLUSIONS, INNOVATIONS, AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Public discourse in Poland reflects the belief that politicians, media, and society are inseparable components of the political system. The surveillance function of the media is crucial, as they are sources of independent and reliable information. Surveillance is a part of the mechanisms to gain and maintain readers’ trust. The idea of mass media are as political tools should remain in the background of the considerations. 


political press ; surveillance of the government centre ; struggle for power





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