Published : 2014-03-30

Editorial: Europeanisation Processes

Wit Pasierbek

Krzysztof Wach



The first decade of the 21st century is characterised by great intensification of research into the phenomenon of Europeanisation, which manifests itself in a great number of articles on the nature, processes and mechanisms of Europeanisation. This resulted in the release of as many as two issues of our journal on this topic. The current issue of the "Horizons of Politics", which is a kind of the continuation and supplement to the previous issue, takes on again the issue of Europeanisation processes. This time  we address such fundamental questions as: What is Europeanisation? How it should be understood and interpreted? What are the dimensions of Europeanisation, especially  socio-political and economic ones? Is there a common European identity? What are the possible directions of the further evolution of Europeanisation processes?

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