Data publikacji : 2020-12-28

Editorial: Internationalisation of Higher Education and Business for Entrepreneurship

Wit Pasierbek

Bożena Pera



Entrepreneurship is an evolving category that plays a vital role in socio-economic development. It has also become an important research area in economics, management, and other fields of science, where it takes into account the different dimensions and approaches to the presented issues, on a macro, mezzo, and micro scale, as well as in local, regional, national, and international dimensions which have both economic and non-economic nature. Entrepreneurship is conductive to developing innovative projects and undertaking creative activities and initiatives that affect an individual, society, and economy. It is associated with the formation of entrepreneurial attitudes related to such ways of perceiving the world, thinking, or acting which create opportunities to implement social and economic innovations and take advantage of development opportunities. It also enables the search for effective ways to operate on the market and achieve better results in terms of profitability or efficiency. Entrepreneurial activities, initiatives, and projects often require support provided by introducing appropriate regulations and instruments and establishing institutions that constitute the external environment. They can contribute to the development of unused areas of business activity. Education also plays a significant role in a better understanding of the concept of entrepreneurship.

Słowa kluczowe

Entrepreneurship ; Higher Education ; Business

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