Published : 2023-03-29

John Adams, Republican, Conservative or Liberal - On the uniqueness of the American experience

Section: Articles Varia


RESEARCH OBJECTIVE: The research aim of the article is to answer the question of whether John Adams’ political thought situates him in the conservative, liberal or republican mainstream.

THE RESEARCH PROBLEM AND METHODS: The main problem analysed in the article is a discussion of the essential elements of John Adams’ political reflection, such as the intellectual inspiration of the 2nd President of the United States, his concept of human nature, his analysis of the structure of political society and the mechanics of political system. They are presented from the perspective of the uniquely American social and political experience.

THE PROCESS OF ARGUMENTATION: The scholarly analysis includes the examination of the key elements of John Adams’ social and political philosophy from the perspectives of conservatism, liberalism and republicanism. It makes possible to conclude that these fundamental categories that define these three styles of political thinking in Europe cannot be directly applied to American conditions. The article argues that, despite the fundamental differences between the American and European political traditions, John Adams’ thought is not conservative in nature, but much closer to Neo-Roman republicanism and the classical preliberal and liberal traditions.

CONCLUSIONS, INNOVATIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: The article demonstrates that the study of political categories must always be done in the context of some particular political and social tradition and political experience.


Adams ; conservatism ; republicanism ; liberalism





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