Published : 2023-03-29

Referendum as a form of control of the authorities by the inhabitants

Section: Vol. 14, No. 46 (2023): The fourth power - theoretical and pratical ascpect


RESEARCH OBJECTIVE: The aim of the article is to present one of the tools of direct democracy, i.e. a referendum, the effectiveness of which depends on legal regulations and the manner and skills of its use by residents.

THE RESEARCH PROBLEM AND METHODS: The author intends to confirm or question the hypothesis that the referendum is a tool used by the inhabitants to control the rulers, and not a tool in the hands of the fourth power or the fourth estate. The methods used are: a descriptive method, analysis and synthesis.

THE PROCESS OF ARGUMENTATION: The argument will be based on the Polish appeal referendum, as it is the most popular and most frequently used form of referendum in our country. The most important changes in the field of referendum law and selected examples from election practice will be analyzed. In the latter case, it will be important to identify factors and examples that limit the effectiveness of this form of direct democracy.

RESEARCH RESULTS: As a result of the analysis, it was possible to show that the referendum is a tool for the inhabitants to control the authorities. However, the frequency of its use and effectiveness are not satisfactory. This is influenced by both the referendum regulations, the local community’s lack of ability to use the referendum, and the lack of interest in the affairs of local communities.

CONCLUSIONS, INNOVATIONS, AND RECOMENDATIONS: The effectiveness of a referendum depends to the greatest extent on legal regulations, but also on the ability to use the tools of direct democracy. Even the best solutions and regulations will not help if citizens do not know how to use the available instruments. Therefore, one of the ways to increase the effectiveness of the referendum should be civic education.


direct democracy ; referendum ; recall referendum ; local government





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