Published : 2023-03-29

John Rawls's theory of deliberative democracy

Agnieszka Turoń-Kowalska

Section: Articles Varia


RESEARCH OBJECTIVE: The scientific aim is to present a specific role of John Rawls that he played in co-creation of the concept of deliberative democracy.

THE RESEARCH PROBLEM AND METHODS: Deliberative democracy focuses on deliberation that should bring in-depth knowledge of the participants in a given matter as well as the awareness of other individuals’ interests. One must acquire knowledge of the distinction between public reason and many non-public reasons, and at the same time be impartial to the points of view of vast rational doctrines. The research method is based on text analysis.

THE PROCESS OF ARGUMENTATION: The article begins with an attempt to synthetically analyse Rawls’s contractualistic proposition in order to “organise the state well”. Then, there follows an analysis of the concept of justice as impartiality indicating the basis for creating the theory of deliberative democracy. The focus is put on Rawls’s innovative solution – the reflection of balance can only be achieved through the result of a certain structure (construction) and the normative nature of his proposition was indicated, which distinguishes this concept from predecessors asking similar questions.

RESEARCH RESULTS: In his attempts to construct a “machine of reason” and a “game of reason”, and finally an “original situation” from which the principles of justice as impartiality can be derived, John Rawls attempted to create a model of a reasonable deliberation by democratic citizens in a way that could awake their loyalty towards the established order.

CONCLUSIONS, INNOVATIONS, AND RECOMMENDATIONS: In the conclusions, the author points out that the assumption of common public reason and rational pluralism, as well as the idea of freedom as the ability to have higher moral powers, lead Rawls to create “good state organisation”, where the deliberative formula of democracy must play a key role.


John Rawls ; deliberative democracy ; impartiality ; the original situation ; public reason





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