Published : 2019-05-06

Analysing Public Policies on a Local Level: Reflection of Several Patterns in the Case of Public Transport in Pilsen

Ondřej Stulík

Section: Vol. 9, No. 29 (2018), Local Public Policies


RESEARCH OBJECTIVE: options and threats on a local level policy formulation, especially in a phase of its formulation through declared priorities created by stakeholders.

THE RESEARCH PROBLEM AND METHODS: unclear relation between stakeholders and their hierarchy in the case, and unknown options how to improve examination process between them; about method, content analysis is used in the defined case (case study).

THE PROCESS OF ARGUMENTATION: starts with content analysis of all documents about public transportation in Pilsen, continues with stakeholder relation analysis and summarizing patterns of public policy creation which depict possible problems – options how to solve them followed.

RESEARCH RESULTS: there is a mutual harmony of public transport documents in Pilsen, but it depends on one stakeholder without proper rule to make the final decision in policy formulation; research options could be focus on informal practises; there could be problem with a lack of information if the whole policy is depended on one stakeholder (analytically informant), who do not want to participate.

CONCLUSIONS, INNOVATIONS, AND RECOMMENDATIONS: to combine formal information in examined documents with adding informal perceptions of stakeholders (non-structured interviews are recommended); to distinguish stakeholders with direct decision making power from those, who “only” prepare strategies; to focus on agenda setting of those stakeholders that prepare strategies – they formulate problem, so they create policy informally.


Content analysis ; Local public policy ; Pilsen ; Public transport ; Stakeholder analysis





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