
Focus and Scope

Horizons of Politics is a scientific journal of the Institute of Political Science of Jesuit University Ignatianum in Krakow, published every six months. Programmatic assumptions of the journal concern the reflection on a human and their life as well as their political activity within the existential and transcendent meaning, in a relational to horizontal and vertical of human being. In other words, it is a profound reflection on the homo politicus and the rei publicae as well as the proper political anthropology. The journal is directed primarily to academics and scholars, but also to politicians, policy makers, for anyone interested in human affairs in the social and political life.

Horizons of Politics publish scientific articles, among others, in the following areas:

  • Political Science
  • History of Politics and History of Political Thought
  • International Relations
  • European Studies
  • Public Policy
  • Economic Politics
  • Sociology and Political Psychology
  • Political Philosophy
  • Law and Administration

We cordially invite you to submit your articles for publication in Horizons of Politics.

e-ISSN 2353-950X ISSN 2082-5897

Peer Review Process


All the articles presented in Horizons of Politics are reviewed. There are two stages in the article submission process for print publication.


After an article has been submitted to Open Journal System, it is subject to internal review by at least one member of the Editorial Board using a review procedure referred to as single-blind review procedure. The objective of internal review is to accept an article for further procedures or to reject it already in the early stage of the editorial procedure. In case of doubt, an article is unconditionally reviewed by two Board members. Following a favourable decision, an article is sent for the external review. The internal review procedure follows the principles of professional peer review.


After the initial approval of an article by the Editorial Board for further procedures, it is subject to external review by two external reviewers selected by the Board using a review procedure referred to as double-blind review procedure (neither the reviewer nor the author know each other’s identities, the data of the reviewer and the author are removed by the Editorial Board). External review procedure also follows the principles of professional peer review.


An article along with its internal and external review is sent to the Issue Editor, who takes a preliminary decision about the approval or rejection of the given article. All the articles are discussed and qualified for publishing during the next meeting of the Editorial Board. In borderline cases, it is the editor-in chief who makes the final decision.

Open Access Policy

The journal is published based on open access policy, which allows unrestricted access to its resources in full compliance with copyright of the authors. Therefore readers are obliged to comply with the generally accepted rules of citing and referencing as in the case of the published form.

The electronic version of the journal is posted on the website within a month since the printed (original) version is published.

The article has not been published before nor is it considered for publishing in other publication (or an explanation has been presented in the commentary for the Editorial Board). 


Redakcja czasopisma
Horyzonty Polityki

email: horyzonty@ignatianum.edu.pl
email: horyzonty.polityki@ignatianum.edu.pl
tel. +48 12 3999 651
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