Data publikacji : 2023-12-30

The Emergence and Entrenchment of the Polexit Slogan in the Law and Justice political narratives



RESEARCH OBJECTIVE: The main objective of this article is to shed light on the emergence and entrenchment of the Polexit slogan in Polish political discourse.

THE RESEARCH PROBLEM AND METHODS: The authors sought to understand the emergence and consolidation of the Polexit narrative in the Polish public debate. An important assumption made by the authors is the central role of the national habitus, which forms the basis for the creation and interpretation of the central axis of the political debate in Poland. It should be noted that the concept of habitus itself is the subject of controversy due to some ambiguities regarding its meaning, but on the other hand, it provides a frame of reference for both the production and interpretation of narratives.

THE PROCESS OF ARGUMENTATION: In academic discourse, it is well known that the operationalisation of the concept of habitus in research practice is challenging. We see it as a set of dispositions that produce individual and collective practices in accordance with the schemes generated by history. The dispositions are derived from a shared understanding of Polishness.

RESEARCH RESULTS: In the collective imagination shaped in this way lies the most fundamental unifying element of the Polish people – the myth of being the victim. Both historiography and literature, based on the schemes of Romanticism, emphasise suffering as a unifying element of the Polish national community.

CONCLUSIONS, INNOVATIONS, AND RECOMMENDATIONS: The Polish national habitus provides a fruitful frame of reference for understanding the PiS government’s narrative towards the EU. The contextualisation of Polish political discourse has allowed the authors to describe the extent to which the statements of prominent Polish politicians are embedded in the specificity of the Polish cultural and historical context.

Słowa kluczowe

Polexit ; debata ; habitus ; slogan





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