Data publikacji : 2016-12-21

Europeanization of European Businesses: Economies of Scope and Managerial Implications

Krzysztof Wach



RESEARCH OBJECTIVE:The article takes as objective the identification and evaluation of the current state-of-the-art and tendencies of Europeanisation of European businesses and onceptualisation of modelling the Europeanisation process of businesses and their strategies.

THE RESEARCH PROBLEM AND METHODS: Although initiated in the political sciences, since the beginning of 21st century the research into the phenomenon of Europeanisation has been more and more confidently entering the economic sciences. The study is based on a typical literature review using the conventional research methods of deduction, reduction, synthesis and theoretical modelling. 

THE PROCESS OF ARGUMENTATION: On the one hand, the presented discussions have a character of creative synthesis and systematics of the output of economic sciences within the scope of business Europeanisation, which includes three overlapping areas, namely the theory of the firm,  the theory of internationalisation and the theory of international entrepreneurship, all of them developed both in economics and in management. On the other hand, the work is an attempt of the conceptualization of the business Europeanisation process in the holistic, inter-disciplinary representation. The search for universal determinants and mechanisms of business Europeanisation was determined by several purposes which were achieved in the course of the undertaken research works.

RESEARCH RESULTS: The article proposes a conceptual framework to analyse Europeanization of a firm in its business environment, with its internal characteristics such as competitiveness and flexibility to focus on the factors, mechanisms, fields and sense of Europeanization.

CONCLUSIONS, INNOVATIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Based on the in-depth literature study and as the contribution the Author suggest that Europeanization strategies are assigned into four fields of an adapted internationalization matrix: Pan-European, Sub-European, Euromultiterritorial and Eurominimalistic strategies. 

Słowa kluczowe

biznes międzynarodowy ; Unia Europejska ; europeizacja





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