RESEARCH OBJECTIVE: The aim of this paper is to discuss the efficiency of teaching process with use of the digitalized methods, emphasis laid on the use of video case studies.
RESEARCH PROBLEM AND METHODS: Since the vast majority of the students are now highly digitalized, their expectations towards the methods applied to teaching changes compared to past practices. Therefore with the use of observation of the in-class interactions and the quiz results of the teaching sessions, we compare the efficiency of using video and traditional case studies. The study is conducted on the sample of 119 undergraduate students of International Business.
THE PROCESS OF ARGUMENTATION: The paper starts with a brief summary of the existing research on using video case studies in teaching. Next we describe the reasoning for our own empirical research, followed by the research design and method explanation. We discuss the results in division for qualitative in-class observations and quantitative accuracy of the in-class quiz. The paper ends with conclusions including study limitations and future recommendations.
RESEARCH RESULTS: The study shows that application of up-to-date technological tools brings better efficiency to the teaching-learning process. The students perception of the subject is higher if the knowledge is passed with use – in our case – of the video.
CONCLUSIONS, INNOVATIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: The study confirms that diversifying the teaching methods and bringing technology into class allows more efficient learning process. Therefore, it is recommended that – if possible – educators incorporate more interactive, virtual tools into their teaching programs.
studium przypadku ; efektywność nauczania ; studium przypadku video ; generacja Z.
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