Published : 2015-06-29

The Algerian War Heritage in the Political Culture of Independent Algeria

Rafał Kobis

Section: Thematic Articles


The aim of the article is to present the characteristic elements of the political culture of Algeria, one of the so-called Third World countries. After 132 years of French dominance, it gained its independence due to the eight-year- long Algerian War 1954-1962. The heritage of the independence struggle continues to exist in the awareness and historical memory of the Algerians, thus contributing to the political culture of the country. The first part of the article is an analysis of the terms ‘memory’ and ‘history’, which is considered from a North-African perspective. The author claims that it is the subjective social memory that constitutes the main source of this region inhabitants’ awareness which is primarily based on either historical symbolism or symbolic words. Next, the author investigates the national historical discourse taking 1962 as a starting point. The conclusion is that being a principal creator of the historical policy, the state uses it by placing a current rivalry in a historical context. One of the most important elements legitimizing the political regime is historical education. Moreover, an analysis of the historical discourse was made. Regarding those who oppose the Algerian authorities, the first view was represented by fundamentalist groups, the so-called Islamism; the other view was favored by secular groups, the so-called Berberism. Finally, the author draws the conclusion that the Algerian War heritage is one of the foundations of the political culture in Algeria.


Algeria ; The Algerian War ; history ; historical memory ; political struggle





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