Published : 2015-06-30


Wojciech Buchner

Section: Thematic Articles


The paper tries to uncover the meaning of the phenomenon of the black legends. The author presents a thesis that argues that their deliberate construction can be understood as an ideological long-range and mass weapon; its aim being to establish in history a pejorative picture image of the enemy. The kind of ideological construction usually comes into being through the application of the strategy pars pro toto to the holistic grasp of a given historical phenomenon, through which a distorted picture of a political adversary will be handed down for posterity. Nowadays this strategy continues to be applied through democratic education, where political correctness often takes the place of reliable researches.


Black legends ; enemy ; toleration ideology ; false humanitarianism ; Reformation ; Enlightenment ; propaganda ; colonialism ; Inquisition ; communism ; nazism ; fascism ; franquism





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