Published : 2017-01-23

Another Theory of Partisan

Bernardas Gailius

Section: Articles Varia


RESEARCH OBJECTIVE: To reread Carl Schmitt’s theory of the partisan and by doing so present another theory of partisan.

THE RESEARCH PROBLEM AND METHODS: Partisan war is treated as a war method rather than a phenomenon. The method is interpretive, based on historical facts.

THE PROCESS OF ARGUMENTATION: At first the author retells and present Carl Schmitt’s theory of the partisan. Then the au­thor applies this theory to 19th century European history with a special focus on Polish‑Lithuanian history. Based on this historical account the authors presents his own theory of another partisan.

RESEARCH RESULTS: Another theory of partisan ties the fig­ure of partisan and partisan war as the specific phenomenon to the concrete historical and geographical space. This theory highlights the specific modern European character of the partisan war and presents the Polish‑Lithuanian partisan history as the model of such war. Seen through the lenses of the national sovereignty and the sovereign dic­tatorship, this history represents the case par excellence of transition from the order of the 18th century to the modern European republic of the 21st century. The partisan then is first of all the citizen. Brought to the extreme by the enemy he takes the sovereign decision to resist and this way brings the political idea of republic to its concrete existence.

CONCLUSIONS, INNOVATIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: “The Theory of Partisan” by Carl Schmitt was the rare if not the only attempt at building a finished and conclusive theory of the phenomenon, which seemed so important for the modern European history. Therefore it is fair and reasonable to treat Schmitt as a central figure of the “partisan” thought. His concept of partisan as the specific figure of the modern war is especially valuable and allows to see Polish‑Lithuanian as well as European history in another perspective.


partisan ; Schmitt ; Polish?Lithuanian history





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