Published : 2013-06-30

Mine, Yours, Ours... Liberty and Pronouns in Polish Political Thought of the 18th Century

Anna Grześkowiak-Krwawicz

Section: Thematic Articles


Analyzing  the  pronouns which  accompanied  the  notion  of  liberty  in  18th-century Polish political  thought,  the article brings  to  light essential  questions from the borderland between political ideology philosophy and  philosophy of the state. The fact that it was liberty within some community –  ours, rather than that of the individual, mine – is particularly emphasized.  The basis of possessing liberty was the fact of being a citizen of the Commonwealth, or being a nobleman; that is, belonging to a certain society. Only  that guaranteed freedom and it could be fulfilled only within this framework.  It was not only a collective liberty – within a community, everyone enjoyed  liberty personally, deciding for himself individually, which is eloquently illustrated by the unspoken popularity of the pronouns “himself” and “his”  (on “his” own) . Thus, “their” liberty occurs considerably rarely, more often  it is rather „their” slavery – that of the orders different from the noblemen  (szlachta) and that of states which are different from the Commonwealth.  Conceptualizations of community were about to be changed at the end of  the 18th century, when, under the influence of Western theories, more and  more attention was paid  to “my”/”his”  liberty,  the one  that was derived  from nature for every man. However, the vision of “our” liberty turned out  to be exceptionally long-lasting and was revived in the 19th century, when  the loss of independence proved that without the community’s liberty, the  very liberty of the individuals who constitute that community is threatened.


republican tradition ; political order ; republic ; modern republicanism





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