Published : 2024-09-30

Political image of Geert Wilders: Analysis of populist message on social media platform X

Section: Vol. 15, No. 52 (2024): The image of power – media, politics, communication


RESEARCH OBJECTIVE: The aim is to analyze Geert Wilders’ activity on platform X (formerly Twitter), with the research aiming to better understand the influence of social media on contemporary politics, the image of political leaders, and the dynamics of relations between politicians and society.

THE RESEARCH PROBLEM AND METHODS: The research problem is to understand how populist political leaders, such as Geert Wilders, utilize social media, particularly platform X, to shape their political image, promote their agenda, and build relationships with voters. The research method relies on discourse analysis of selected cases (e.g., controversial posts) to understand the rhetorical strategies used by Geert Wilders. This method enables a deep understanding of the use of emotional and provocative language for mobilizing supporters and building a political image.

THE PROCESS OF ARGUMENTATION: The first step was an attempt to define the relationship between the development of digital communication tools and the rise of populism. Then, characteristic elements from Geert Wilders’ biography contributing to his public image as a politician were described. The final part concerns selected elements of political narrative published on platform X.

RESEARCH RESULTS: The analysis of Geert Wilders’ statements on social media platform X reveals a coherent communication strategy aimed at building his image as a strong leader fighting for national interests and European values.

CONCLUSIONS, INNOVATIONS, AND RECOMMENDATIONS: This analysis also underscores the significance of social media in today’s politics and the innovative potential in the realm of online political communication. It is recommended to implement media education to increase public awareness of politicians’ communication strategies and their impact on society.


political image ; political rhetoric ; social media ; populism ; leadership





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