Published : 2024-06-30

The Economic Role of Technology in International Trade: Theory and Practice in the Trade War

Section: Articles Varia


Scientific purpose. The aim of the article is to analyze the impact of technological changes and restrictions on the freedom of technology transfer in the contemporary world economy on international trade in the context of the trade conflict between the United States and China.

Research process and methods. Interrelationships between the role of technological changes and trade, the issue of monopoly rent resulting from the technological advantage of some countries, were examined on the basis of the theory of international trade (Ricardian model, Heckscher-Ohlin) and subsequent theories, in particular the approach of Posner, Krugman, Melitz. To analyze the problem of technology transfer limitations in the modern world economy, mainly due to China's trade practices, a quantitative and qualitative method was used as well as a review of statistics of international trade in high-tech goods. Foreign direct investment in China was conditioned by the transfer of knowledge and advanced technologies from the United States.

Scientific analysis results. Technological changes and the spread of technology as a result of the intensification of international trade are associated with a specific impact on the benefits and losses for the state with a technological advantage as a result of the phenomenon of "learning by doing". To examine the economic effects of the growing importance of technology in international trade, the theoretical and empirical approach to analyzing the demand in selected countries, including the United States, European Union countries, Japan and China, for the level of employment and wages of highly qualified labor force was used.

Conclusions, innovations, recommendations. Further research should cover issues related to the influence of states on supporting the development of advanced technologies, which is associated with specific dilemmas regarding the shaping of international trade flows and the impact on the level of wages in the economy.


international trade, technological change, World Trade Organization, trade war, United States





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