Published : 2024-09-30

Analysis of the political discourse of members of the Polish Parliament on climate and environmental issues

Section: Vol. 15, No. 52 (2024): The image of power – media, politics, communication


RESEARCH OBJECTIVE: The purpose of the article is to show the extent to which the topics of the climate crisis, environmental problems and sustainable development were relevant in the political debate of members of the 9th term of Parliament from different political parties.

THE RESEARCH PROBLEM AND METHODS: The main research problem was formulated in the form of a question: To what extent have political parties and their coalition partners raised climate and environmental issues, and what types of topics have they raised? In addition, specific problems were developed. The study used an analytical-synthetic method on the basis of literature and reports, as well as the results of a content survey of politicians’ parliamentary speeches. The research was carried out using the method of statistical analysis.

THE PROCESS OF ARGUMENTATION: The starting point is a synthetic picture of the contemporary climate and environmental crisis and the efforts of the world, Europe and Poland in countering it. The next step presents a picture of the Polish political scene. Then the results of a survey of the content of parliamentary speeches are presented.

RESEARCH RESULTS: Climate issues were present in the discourse of all political parties, although with varying degrees of emphasis and emphasis. The Civic Coalition most often raised climate issues and, like the Polish Coalition, combined these issues with economic policy. Law and Justice emphasized energy and climate topics, while the Left focused on environmental protection. The Confederation, although less active, also raised climate issues, but with rather negative overtones.

CONCLUSIONS, INNOVATIONS, AND RECOMMENDATIONS: As a result of the analysis, the research problems were resolved. It is recommended that a similar analysis be carried out for comparison in the next 10th term of the Parliament, taking into account the changing climate and environmental situation and political, social and economic conditions.


environment ; climate ; parliament ; politicians





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