Published : 2024-09-30

The image of political women in poland in the third polish republic in the light of the world values survey

Katarzyna Bałandynowicz-Panfil

Section: Vol. 15, No. 52 (2024): The image of power – media, politics, communication


RESEARCH OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study is to demonstrate the influence of time and socio-economic changes on Polish women’s attitudes towards politics and politicians.

THE RESEARCH PROBLEM AND METHODS: Based on data from the World Values Survey (1990–2022), the article presents an analysis of changes in Polish women’s attitudes towards politics and their participation in political life. Statistical analysis of secondary data provides the basis for comparative studies over time.

THE PROCESS OF ARGUMENTATION: The starting point of the considerations is the specificity of the national culture in Poland. Social and economic transformations strongly impact individual behaviors. Increasing political awareness and the desire to participate in political life are manifestations of ongoing changes towards democratizing society. This is strongly linked to women’s emancipation and their growing social and political activism.

RESEARCH RESULTS: Polish women are not significantly interested in political topics and exhibit relatively low awareness of their own political attitudes and orientations, as well as a lack of ability to assess trust in political institutions in the country. Women’s political activity mainly consists of signing petitions and participating in elections.

CONCLUSIONS, INNOVATIONS, AND RECOMMENDATIONS: The low interest in political topics among Polish women indicates a persistent division in society between male and female-dominated areas of social life. This is consistent with the observed strong attachment of Poles to traditional values. A temporal approach provides a broader picture of societal values and their impact on perception and willingness to participate in political life. Additionally, comparing observations based on characteristics specific to a particular national culture provides significant supplementation to existing literature considerations. The conclusions lead to recommendations of both a scientific nature (conducting interdisciplinary research to better understand the mechanisms shaping attitudes towards politics and politicians), practical (building more effective scenarios for actions to promote political participation in society).





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