Published : 2024-06-30

The Russian Strategy of Concept Substitution in Facebook and Telegram economic content. Example of the Russian–Ukrainian War in the Period 2014–2023

Tetyana Viytovych


Section: Vol. 15. No. 51 (2024): Mediation and mediatisation of the contemporary warfare


RESEARCH OBJECTIVE: To analyze manipulative pro-Russian materials on social networks during the war that apply the “replacement of concepts” method.

THE RESEARCH PROBLEMS AND METHODS: The main tasks are the timely detection and counteraction of Russian propaganda, which uses disinformation technologies in the information war against Ukraine; the use of visualization to disprove falsehoods, and determination of the use of the “replacement of concepts” method on social networks. The research methodology used on the Russian tactics of concept substitution on social platforms can be characterized as a synthesis of techniques that should be justified by the interchangeability of traditional objects of media research: author (initiator) – message – intermediary (mediator) – receiver. This research aims to synthesize and combine monitoring methods, content analysis, and comparative analysis.

THE PROCESS OF ARGUMENTATION: Several publications were selected. Some contained inaccurate information, while others contained accurate, factual information. As a result of comparing these materials, disinformation was refuted, and the importance of timely detection of the “concept substitution” technique used by pro-Russian channels in the Ukrainian information space was described.

RESEARCH RESULTS: The study showed that Russian propaganda often uses concept substitution on Facebook and Telegram. This made it possible to explain how the most common tactics, technologies, and tools of concept substitution work and to fight against their spread.

CONCLUSIONS, INNOVATIONS, AND RECOMMENDATIONS: In Russia’s war against Ukraine, Kremlin propaganda tries to alter linguistic reality by “suppressing” certain words. Words emphasizing the fact of war and its negative consequences have been banned in Russian media and social networks.


concept substitution ; propaganda ; interactivity ; economic information ; manipulation

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