Published : 2024-06-30

Humanitarian diplomacy as an indicator of Turkey's 'normative power'

Section: Articles Varia


RESEARCH OBJECTIVE: The aim is to show the distinctive features of Türkiye’s foreign policy, which make it possible to define the role of this state as a normative power in international relation.

THE RESEARCH PROBLEM AND METHODS: The article analyzes Turkish humanitarian diplomacy and the values related to this form of action in foreign policy. Thanks to this, it will be possible to check whether it is possible to determine the normative power of the state on its basis.

THE PROCESS OF ARGUMENTATION: The first part of the article discusses the concept of humanitarian aid and humanitarian diplomacy. The normative values on which these two forms are based are also indicated. This will make it possible to understand their significance for the changes that have occurred in the natural environment under the influence of Turkish activities. In the further part of the article, the Turkish model of humanitarian diplomacy is analyzed and the example of Somalia is cited (because in this country the elements of the Turkish model of humanitarian diplomacy were implemented to the greatest extent).

RESEARCH RESULTS: Humanitarian diplomacy gives the opportunity to define the position and role of Türkiye as an apolitical and selfless donor that enables normative action in international relations. However, the Turkish model of humanitarian diplomacy and foreign policy goes beyond humanitarian aid, combining this form with development projects (requiring long-term commitment), business deals, peace-building, and stable political relations with partners. All this allows Türkiye’s foreign policy to be described as both humanitarian and entrepreneurial.

CONCLUSIONS, INNOVATIONS, AND RECOMMENDATIONS: The principles on which humanitarian diplomacy is based make it possible to define the actors using this form of action as normative powers. This category requires further analysis regarding its use in the foreign policy of states.


Türkiye ; humanitarian diplomacy ; normative power ; soft power ; humanitarian aid





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