Published : 2023-09-29

On the potential role of mass media in enhancing the social legitimacy of democracy

Section: Articles Varia


RESEARCH OBJECTIVE: The aim is to answer the question: can the media play a positive role in enhancing the legitimacy of legal system in democracy?

THE RESEARCH PROBLEM AND METHODS: The analysis of legal system-media-society relations is interdisciplinary and based on a functionalist perspective. The considerations are based on an analysis of the literature in legal science, political science and media science.

THE PROCESS OF ARGUMENTATION: The starting point was the analysis of the systemic features of modern democracy. Next, the subject of the legitimacy of democratic power and current crisis of legitimisation of legal system is presented and the social functions of mass media and the effects of the mediatisation of social life are analysed. The conclusion proposes a catalogue of concrete ways of realising this goal, complemented by reflections on the optimal shape of mutual relations between the media, the authorities and citizens.

RESEARCH RESULTS: The combination of a consideration of the determinants of the social legitimacy of law with a reflection on the effects of mediatisation leads to the conclusion that the media can and should play a positive role in building and enhancing the social prestige of legal institutions. Under conditions such as independence, objectivity or a high level of content, high-tech media could contribute to the maturity of citizens, particularly their legal awareness.

CONCLUSIONS, INNOVATIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: The first outcome of the deliberations is a conceptualisation of the ways in which the media performs its legitimising function in a democratic society. It is accompanied by a compilation of postulated systemic factors, the implementation of which could ensure the effectiveness of this function. The need for further debate on the relationship between broadcasters and audiences, but also state institutions and social actors was higlighted as well.


democracy ; legitimacy ; the media ; mediatisation ; social consciousness





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