Published : 2022-09-29

Philosophy and politics. Lessons from Oakeshott, Bradatan, and Socrates

Section: Articles Varia


RESEARCH OBJECTIVE: The aim of the research is to rethink the relationship between political philosophy and political practice. The views of Michael Oakeshott, Costica Bradatan and Socrates will be used as premises in these analyses. A new criterion for distinguishing these two areas can be identified, partially referring to the tradition that emphasizes understatement and unrestrainedness.

THE RESEARCH PROBLEM AND METHODS: The article contains metaphilosophical considerations related to the field of philosophy of politics. The primary methods used will be philosophical methods, applied at the meta level to inquiries in the field of political philosophy.

THE PROCESS OF ARGUMENTATION: First, I will try to define the phrases “philosophy of politics” and “political philosophy” in the Polish language.In the following part of the article, I will present the views of Oakeshott and Bradatan regarding philosophy and politics. Finally, I will contrast these findings with the image of Socrates and show the fields of synergy.

RESEARCH RESULTS: These analyses in the field of metaphilosophy, in relation primarily to political philosophy, will allow us to define the very status of philosophical reflection and the limitations related to the attempts to provide an exhaustive definition. Based on a comparison of these concepts, other metaphilosophical problems arising from the challenges of political philosophy also emerge.

CONCLUSIONS, INNOVATIONS, AND RECOMMENDATIONS: The research shows a need for a deeper analysis of metaphilosophical issues concerning political philosophy. Such research should deepen research in both philosophy and political science.


philosophy – political philosophy – zeteticism – criticism – metaphilosophy





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