Published : 2022-05-12

Dispute about limitations in interpreting legal definitions: directives of interpreting based on weaker formalism

Section: Thematic Articles


RESEARCH OBJECTIVE: In the paper the author employs the idea of analyzing the content of legal definitions (i.e. reconstructing the architecture of their connotations) to propose emendations in directives of legal interpretation in M. Zieliński’s derivational theory of legal interpretation.

THE RESEARCH PROBLEM AND SCIENTIFIC METHODS: Polish ius interpretandi does not give unanimous answer to the question about limits in interpreting legal definitions. There are two competing approaches: formalism and holism. In the text the author employs tools of analytical theory of law to formulate weaker thesis of formalism in interpreting legal definitions.

THE PROCESS OF ARGUMENTATION: The argumentation begins with quotes from Polish Principles of legislative technique (Zasady techniki prawodawczej) about legal definitions. On this basis several proposals of emendations in directives of legal interpretation in derivational theory are proposed. These emendations show problems which an interpreter must face in practice. These problems were grouped on the basis of researches done by M. Zeifert on the grammar of Polish legal text.

RESEARCH RESULTS: After establishing weaker thesis of formalism in interpreting legal definitions, several emendations in directives of legal interpretation were proposed. These emendations are in conformity with fundamental assumptions of M. Zieliński’s derivational theory, and they also encompass practical problems which are met by interpreters. Modified directives show precisely the limits in interpreting legal definitions, yet they are also flexible.

CONCLUSIONS, INNOVATIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Analyses in the paper showed that derivational theory strongly emphasizes difference between connotation-based definitions and denotation-based definitions. Practice of rendering legal definitions is – in this respect – too shaky, and such differentiation is of limited practical value. Therefore it is important to postulate emendations in Polish Principles of legislative technique and promotion of knowledge about logic and grammar of legal definitions among legislators.


theory of law; legal definitions; interpretation of law; interpretative formalism; interpretative holism





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