Published : 2022-02-28

The Framework for Investigating Globalization's Impact on Health Systems

Section: Articles Varia


RESEARCH OBJECTIVE: This perspective article aims to identify the main channels through which globalization influences health systems.

THE PROBLEM AND RESEARCH METHODS: The research problem concerns the ways globalization influences the demand and the supply side of health systems. Meta-analysis was implemented and five databases were explored for the period 2005–2020.

THE PROCESS OF ARGUMENTATION: The introduction presents the methodology and the added value of the article. The main body of the article presents globalization’s impact on the supply side (a flow of pharmaceuticals and medical equipment, new health care providers and new services, medical tourism, and transnational regulations leading to better access to health care) and demand side of health systems (easier access to hazardous goods and services, faster spread of infectious diseases, faster development of civilization diseases, and healthism) followed by discussion and conclusions.

RESEARCH RESULTS: The article offers a framework for investigating globalization’s impact on health systems where the supply and demand side of health systems are indicated.

CONCLUSIONS, INNOVATIONS, AND RECOMMENDATIONS: The article concludes that the flows of goods, services, and people are the leading channels of the impact of globalization on health systems. The negative effects of the current SARS-CoV-2 pandemic notwithstanding, in the long run, the influence of globalization on health systems is per saldo positive.


globalization ; globalization impact on health ; health care systems ; migrations ; medical tourism





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