Published : 2022-03-05

Towards a new industrial policy of the European Union. The role of the IPCEI mechanism

Section: Articles Varia


Research objective: The main aim of the article is to identification the IPCEI mechanism, which is an innovative tool of European industrial policy. The first detailed goal is to indicate the key role of states in this mechanism, which can be equated with the a new intergovernmental approach. The second goal is related to the description of a new approach to innovative projects on a European scale, i.e. building and managing the entire project value chain. The last, third specific objective is related to the new approach to the EU industrial and research and development policy.

The research problem and methods: The article will analyze the IPCEI mechanism. The study will use the middle-order system method, which describe the mutual formal and institutional systemic relations between EU policies and structural actions and the neo-institutionalism of rational choice, which be used to analyze the mechanisms and expected effects resulting from the IPCEI. The research techniques used are the analysis of documents observation. The theory that will be helpful in analyzing the implementation of the IPCEI mechanism will be the new intergovernmental approach.

The process of argumentation: The research hypothesis falsified in the article assumes that the IPCEI is a potentially effective mechanism for supporting the international competitiveness of the EU, but its effectiveness will be associated with the proper definition of EU strategic challenges, precisely defined and respected cooperation between the EU and the Member States and, finally, measurable effects of social and economic changes. economic benefits for EU citizens and businesses. The article ends with an analysis of the activities carried out to date for the implementation of this mechanism.

Conclusions, innovations, and recommendations: Conclusions will focus on identifying the potential benefits and threats of the implementation of both the legal IPCEI mechanism and its socio-economic consequences.


industrial policy ; European Union ; new intergovernmental approach ; IPCEI





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