Published : 2021-07-15

Interplay between industry 4.0 and circular economy: In search of a common definition area

Section: Thematic Articles


RESEARCH OBJECTIVE: The aim of the paper is to identify the common area of defining the circular economy and industry 4.0.

THE RESEARCH PROBLEM AND METHODS: The identified research problem is the observation that the factor influencing the success of the process of creating public policies is the common area of communication between its stakeholders. The study was conducted on a set of keywords obtained from databases of indexed scientific journals (Web of Science and Scopus) and the popular business and political medium (Twitter) using the Jaccard similarity index method by years.

THE PROCESS OF ARGUMENTATION: The article presents the theoreti‑ cal research background, methodology and research tools, and selected results for the analyzed concepts.

RESEARCH RESULTS: The results showed that there is a common area of understanding circular economy and industry 4.0 at the level of 245 words (0.57% coverage). The analysis of keywords showed that despite the statistically low result, the connotation of words leaves room for the creation of solutions common to both concepts.

CONCLUSIONS, INNOVATIONS, AND RECOMMENDATION: The common semantic field for both concepts makes it possible to introduce them into public debate, thus enabling the development of national policies combining the circular economy with industry 4.0 which seems to be the right answer to the social, environmental and economic needs related to the COVID 19 pandemic. Further research should focus in particular on deepening the qualita‑ tive analysis of the public debate. There are also research gaps in the areas of: research on the relationship between scientific publications and Twitter, delay patterns in the occurrence of keywords in both collections, mutual influence of trends, and spatial and temporal analysis of keywords.


(circular economy, industry 4.0., sustainable development, concepts meaning, bibliometrics





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