Published : 2021-05-19


Section: Thematic Articles


RESEARCH OBJECTIVE: The aim of the article is to present selected problems of the democratic system in Poland and to propose directions of development improving its operation.

THE RESEARCH PROBLEM AND METHODS: The research problem was to check whether the implementation of modern organizational concepts and ICT solutions can contribute to a more efficient exercise of democratic power and increase its quality? The basic method was both the analysis of public opinion polls on various aspects of the Polish democracy system and a review of the literature on concepts and scientific theories related to the study of democratic systems.

THE PROCESS OF ARGUMENTATION: The first part presents the results of public opinion surveys on democracy and its individual areas of operation. The second section presents concepts and scientific theories related to the study of democratic systems and its mechanisms. The third section presents selected problems of democracy in Poland and proposals for their changes based on the assumptions of concepts and theories discussed in the second part of the article.

RESEARCH RESULTS: The crisis of confidence in the current model of democracy results from the mismatch between its form and development challenges. The implementation of both the concept of e-democracy proposed by the European Parliament and organizational solutions based on the assumptions of concepts and scientific theories related to the study of democratic systems should contribute to increase the effectiveness of democracy.

CONCLUSIONS, INNOVATIONS, AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Despite the huge number of publications in the literature and press devoted to democracy, the main focus was either on the assessment of the current state of the system or its elements, or scientific theories related to a given area of democracy. Occasionally, ad hoc proposals for change were indicated, but in this case, they were mostly, without a deeper and broad view of the entire democratic system. This article overcomes the above limitations by combining the assessment of the current perception of democracy with scientific theory, which at the same time provides the basis for proposals for systemic solutions to improve the effectiveness of democracy.


democracy ; politics ; public ; choice ; politicians





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