Published : 2020-10-25

Odnawialne źródła energii a bezpieczeństwo energetyczne Polski. Wybrane aspekty

Section: Thematic Articles


RESEARCHE OBJECTIVE: The main aim of the article is to present the results of research on the impact of microeconomic factors (prosumer energy) on the state of Poland’s energy security in the context of renewable energy sources.

THE RESEARCH PROBLEM AND METHODS: Energy security in Po­land is primarily the subject of a debate in the political science sphere. Most economic analyzes (energy security economics) take into account, first of all, macroeconomic aspects, ignoring the role and importance of the rapidly develop­ing renewable energy sector and, above all, the rapidly developing distributed energy (microeconomic perspective). In order to meet the research problem posed, research methods were used, taking into account the analysis of the literature on the subject, methods of descriptive statistics as well as tabular and descriptive methods and graphs with a synthesis of conclusions.

THE PROCESS OF ARGUMENTATION: First of all, the results of the review of the debate on the definition of the concept of energy security will be presented, secondly, the most important measures and determinants of this security, and in the third place, the effects of the analysis of the development of distributed energy in the context of renewable energy sources as an ele­ment of Poland’s energy security.

RESEARCH RESULTS: The conducted analysis leads to the conclusion that the distributed energy sector is an important element of the sector of renewable energy sources and therefore it may constitute a significant factor of Poland’s energy security.

CONCLUSIONS, INNOVATIONS, AND RECOMMENDATIONS: The discussed issue is important, it does not lose its importance, and the coming years will bring intensification of research in this area. The conclusions of the research are addressed to both political scientists, political decision makers and economists responsible for implementing climate and energy policy; including the renewable energy sector.


distributed energy ; energy security ; prosumer ; renewable energy sources





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