Published : 2020-12-18

The peasant nature inspirations of the political thought of the Polish people’s movement at the end of the partitions period and in the Second Polish Republic

Marcin Jakub Wichmanowski

Section: Thematic Articles


RESEARCH OBJECTIVE: We adopted establishment of mutual relations between the political thought of the people’s movement in Poland at the end of the partitions and the interwar period, and peasant nature as the main objective of our work.

THE RESEARCH PROBLEM AND METHODS: The question arose, whether each of the basic categories of political thought of the people’s movement was inspired by peasant nature, and whether there was any feedback – with thought affecting the said nature. The highlighting of this issue necessitated using research methods and techniques specific to the exploration of research on political thought; first of all, analysis of testimonies and traces of political thought of popular parties, as well as comparative analysis. 

THE PROCESS OF ARGUMENTATION: We set off presenting definitions of the basic concepts (political thought, people’s movement, peasant nature) first. Then, attention was paid to the conditions of the peasant nature and the role it played in shaping the ideology of the people’s movement in Poland. The influence of socio-political conditions on peasant nature were demonstrated, and their influence on the development of political thought of popular parties.

RESEARCH RESULTS: Peasants constituted the cornerstone of society and the nation for the politicians of the people’s movement, they were the inspiration for their political concepts and actions. The article attempts to prove to what extent the living conditions of the peasants determined their nature and the peasant nature the thought of the people’s movement.

CONCLUSIONS, INNOVATIONS, AND RECOMMENDATIONS: We address the conclusions drawn from considerations contained in the article to both politicians, political scientists and rural sociologists. They demonstrate the way ideologists of the people’s movement have proved that all political action is justified, as long as its results and effects serve man. Hence the demand for rebuilding the peasant’s psyche (refining it).


people's movement ; peasant nature ; political thought





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