Published : 2020-04-22


Section: Articles Varia


RESEARCH OBJECTIVE: As one of the leaders of the world community, Pope Francis often takes up the subject of globalisation. The article presents the Pope's views on the negatively understood "globalization of indifference" and the positively understood "globalization of solidarity" in the context of the challenges facing the social sciences.

RESEARCH PROBLEM AND METHODS: The messages of Pope Francis on the occasion of World Day of Peace 2014-2019 were analyzed in terms of the most important challenges currently facing the world community and the directions of its further development. The analysis is of a qualitative nature and focuses on the reconstruction and synthesis of the substantive content of the messages studied, both in descriptive and normative terms.

THE PROCESS OF ARGUMENTATION: One of the main threats today is the ‘globalization of indifference’ understood as the pursuit of profit and closing in on the needs of the weakest. The Christian response to it should be the ‘globalization of solidarity’, i.e. the renewal of social order based on the value of human brotherhood.

RESEARCH RESULTS: The Pope draws attention to many negative phenomena associated with globalisation, while at the same time treating this process as an opportunity to solve many social problems. The Pope gives concrete guidance on the necessary actions. The general consensus of the international community, however, is not enough; multi-level reforms are needed to translate universal human values into concrete actions in different parts of the world.

CONCLUSIONS, INNOVATIONS AND RECCOMENDATIONS: Social sciences can play an important role in the realization of the concept of ‘globalization of solidarity’, whose task is, among others, to develop a new model of political leadership, based on universal values of brotherhood and solidarity, rejecting methods of struggle and domination, and based on mutual respect, trust and social dialogue.


Globalization ; Solidarity ; Brotherhood ; Leadership ; Pope Francis





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