Published : 2019-03-13

La natura del potere: una riflessione scientifica

Rocco D'Ambrosio


RESEARCH OBJECTIVE: This essay aims to analyse the phenomenon of power with a particular attention to scientific aspects, in particular to the anthropological and ethical area.

THE RESEARCH PROBLEM AND METHODS: Power does not belong only to scientific research, but also to everyday life, to the simple experience that each of us has in the various institutions in which someone lives, from the simplest ones such as the family or a small association to the most complex ones such as companies, schools, universities, associations, religious communities, trade unions, political parties, bureaucratic structures, national and international organizations. 

THE PROCESS OF ARGUMENTATION: To study power, this essay uses an ideal guide of all respect: William Shakespeare. Power is certainly a scene of the vast theatre that is the world. It is not only because of the questions and reflections it suggests, but above all because it sees many characters and different tragedies or comedies play in different times and sets.

RESEARCH RESULTS: The small result of this essay is to reach a new understanding of a complex problem of power. 

CONCLUSIONS, INNOVATIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: The researches about power, especially those based on the anthropological and ethical area, are so rich and different. It could an interesting idea to go on with synoptic view of power, based on the many field of literature and social sciences. 


Power ; antrophology ; ethics





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