Published : 2019-05-06

Effective teaching in the area of creative professions, on the example of “big data, digital marketing, trend-watching” specialty at the University of Lower Silesia.

Agnieszka Węglińska

Section: Articles Varia


RESEARCH OBJECTIVE: The main purpose  of this paper is to analyze the level of competences among postgraduate students of Big Data, digital marketing and trend-watching specialization at the Department of Journalism, Communication and Technological Studies University of Lower Silesia.

THE RESEARCH PROBLEM AND METHODS: The main aim of the paper is to diagnose and define competences of the future in the context of the labor market and to indicate points the most important competences in the didactic process. Current data from labor market and 12 in-depth interviews with lecturers working on the project are analyzed. The group of lectures consists of academics and professionals.

THE PROCESS OF ARGUMENTATION: The argumentation comprises two main parts. Firstly, most needed competences in the field of internet marketing are characterized. Currently available data from the labor  market is the basis of this part of the study. In the second part, dilemmas of lectures , their observations and conclusions are presented. Competences which are considered as key one by academics and professionals are named.

RESEARCH RESULTS: Students’ digital competences are considered by the lecturers to be at the very high level, however, their social and managing skills are considered to be poor .

CONCLUSIONS, INNOVATIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: The research points out  the necessity of developing students’ social and interpersonal competences. At the same time, students’ digital competences should not be neglected. The most important recommendation for academic society is that professionals should  be included as lecturers in order to adjust the academic education to the demanding labor market.   



big data ; education ; competences ; internet marketing ; in depth interview





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