Submission Preparation Checklist

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As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, RTF, or WordPerfect document file format.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines, which is found in About the Journal.
  • If submitting to a peer-reviewed section of the journal, the instructions in Ensuring a Blind Review have been followed.
  • I have completed the ORCID ID and Affiliation in my account settings and next to the co-authors' details (if applicable)
Author Guidelines
Copyright Notice
Privacy Statement

Author Guidelines






  1. Articles will be accepted in both English (preferred), as well as in Polish and/or congress languages .

  2. All articles submitted for consideration will undergo a process of peer-review. In order for the article to be published, it will need to receive two positive reviews, and confirmation of ­acceptance from the Editorial Board.

  3. Submissions to „Horizons of Politics” should not already have been published elsewhere, or be currently under consideration by another academic journal.

  4.  In the case of submission or/and a successfully published article, the Author is allowed to submit another article no sooner than one year after the previous article is submitted/published (for example, if an article was published in the March 2023 issue, the next one can not be submitted before March 2024). 

  5. The author(s), along with the text of the academic article, must submit a statement and a declaration consenting to the article’s free publication, a template of which is available on the journal’s website. The author is required to send to the Editor (in the form of a fax, scanned document, or through the post) a statement that consents to the publication of the article free of charge in both hard copy and electronic formats (PDF), as well as for the indexing of the article abstracts in ­national and international data bases, with whom the editor collaborates.

  6. We invite you to submit articles on particular subjects (each issue is devoted to a separate topic, and these articles are published in a special section in each edition that discusses a particular subject), as well as articles on other subjects (published in the section ‘Articles Varia’). Deadlines for future editions are:

    ●  30 September – the March edition next year; 

    ●  31 December – the June edition next year;

    ●  31 March – the September edition the same year;

    ●  30 June – the December edition the same year;

 (These deadlines may be restricted in the case of some special subject issues, especially in relation to thematic articles, which will be invited for submission after a ‘call for papers’).

      7. No article submission or article processing (APC) fees are charged.

      8. The editors reserve the right to shorten the text and change the title. Materials will not be returned unsolicited. 



  1. The article must be original and should not contain material taken from other sources that might result in the publisher being legally liable, and that should not infringe the rights of third parties.

  2. The submitted text should clearly state the details of the individual authors who have produced the publication (including their affiliation and contribution; i.e. information regarding who is the author of the concepts, principles, methods and protocol used for the preparation of the publication).

  3. The article cannot contain any evidence that it has been ‘ghost-written’, and must disclose the names of all authors who have made a significant contribution to its publication.

  4. The article cannot contain any evidence of ‘guest authorship’, or any credit to an author who has not made a significant contribution to the publication.

  5. A note at the bottom of the article will state all those who have made a contribution to the work, and will indicate the proportion as a percentage that each author has made in terms of their authorship of the concept, their undertaking of empirical research, statistical analysis and other forms of participation.

  6. The article should provide any information concerning the financial sources for the publication, the contribution of academic/research institutions and associations, and other entities (“financial disclosure”). The information should be provided in a footnote next to the title of the article.

  7. The editor will catalogue any acts of academic misconduct, particularly any violations or breaches of the ethical principles that are enforced in academia. Any such cases will be reported to the employer of the individual concerned and other relevant public institutions.



  1. Articles sent to the Editor for consideration should be prepared in accordance with the editorial rules:

    a) font: Times New Roman, 12 pt.;

    b) line spacing: 1.5 lines;

    c) the text justified on both sides;

    d) indentation: standard;

    e) headings and subheadings: font Times New Roman, 12 pt, bold;

    f) margins: standard (2.5 cm on each side);

    g) numbering: continuous, at the centre of the bottom of the page;

    h) citations contained within the text should be enclosed in quotation marks.

    2. The submitted text should contain 20 000 – 40 000 characters.

    3. References to the literature contained in the article should use the author-date system (i.e. the parenthesis system) according style APA 7            ( or Accordingly, the notes placed directly after the citation or elsewhere should indicate the source in an abbreviated form or      bibliographic information. This following should be enclosed within brackets: the author(s) or in the absence of authors an abbreviated title of the source (such as in the case of collective works without a clear editor), the date of publication, as well as the page number(s) which are cited in the article, e.g. (Smith, 2002, p. 44). A complete bibliography, also in the style APA 7, should be produced at the end of the article, and the sources should be listed in alphabetical order.

     4. Footnotes are not allowed. Please incorporate all argumentation into the body of the article.

     5. If the article contains an illustration and graphs it should be sent in the seperated graphic file.

     6. Articles submitted for consideration should be sent via email, after the sender has logged in at this address:

     7. Because of "blind review", please submit article without of informations about the author(s).

     8. Information about the author(s) should contain the following data: the first and family name(s), the author(s)’ degree and academic title, personal ORCID number, their place of work (university, faculty, institute, research unit) with an address, please submit in the "Metadata".





  1. The submitted article should contain the following structure:

    • The first name and family name(s) of the author(s) along with their institutional affiliation (submited only in the "Metadata")

    • e-mail address
    • ORCID
    • The title in English

    • An abstract written in English of maximum 300 words 

    • Key words in English (a maximum of 5) confirmed by ENTER in the Metadata everyone

    • The article should take into consideration the following substantive structure: an introduction, methodology, some basic results and conclusions

    • A bibliography of sources consulted in  the style APA 7

  2. The abstract should present the main thesis of the article, and not information about problems that the author is pursuing and which can be understood without reading the article. The abstract should contain maximum 300 words and be structured in a way reflects the essence of the article.
























    1. Before submitting your article for consideration we ask that you refer to the reviewer’s form, which presents the details of the guidelines of assessment of the article. The review form can be downloaded from the journal’s internet page.

    2. Each submitted article should consist of the following parts:

          1. Introduction, which describes the aims of the article, the research hypothesis/thesis (the research problem) in a way that is short and understandable, indicating the new/original research problem.

          2. Research tools (methods) (essential for those articles using statistical analysis) as well as the sources of research taking into consideration the newest academic literature in relation to the issues that are being discussed.

          3. The body of the article (development of the argument)

            (which can be divided into sections according to the following scheme 1; 1.1; 1.1.1; 2; 2.1.) This should be presented in a clear and concrete manner, and place the research results in a comparative context.

          4. Results of the research analysis  – which should be clear and concise

          5. Conclusion, which provides an answer to the problem which had been earlier posed with innovations and recommendations – there can also be a short separate section that summarizes the whole argument


            A useful study aid can be found:










  1. The text of a book review should not exceed 6000 characters including spaces.

  2. The review is required to contain the following information about the book: author/editor, title, subtitle, place of publication, publisher, year, number of pages, ISBN number.

  3. The style of a review should be informative and descriptive, ending with an evaluation and conclusion.


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