"Horizons of Politics" is a scientific journal of the Institute of Political and Administrative Sciences of Jesuit University Ignatianum in Krakow, published every six months. Programmatic assumptions of the journal concern the reflection on a human and their life as well as their political activity within the existential and transcendent meaning, in a relational to horizontal and vertical of human being. In other words, it is a profound reflection on the homo politicus and the rei publicae as well as the proper political anthropology. The journal is directed primarily to academics and scholars, but also to politicians, policy makers, for anyone interested in human affairs in the social and political life.
"Horizons of Politics" publish scientific articles, among others, in the following areas:
Political Science
History of Politics and History of Political Thought
International Relations
European Studies
Public Policy
Economic Politics
Sociology and Political Psychology
Political Philosophy
Law and Administration
We cordially invite you to submit your articles for publication in "Horizons of Politics".