Data publikacji : 2020-04-15

Editorial: Political Power and Human Nature in Ancient Thought

Wit Pasierbek

Piotr Świercz



Ancient reflection on political power culminated in Greek philosophy and the political and legal thought of the Roman Empire. There is a broad range of literature dedicated to both of these topics. Greek and Roman thought remain a source of inspiration for many philo­sophical and philosophical-political formations. The problems and questions posed by Greek philosophy, regardless of the social and cul­tural conditions in which they were formulated, are the foundation of European culture. Among the most important problems that we inherited from the ancient Greeks is reflection on the essence of po­litical power, reflection on nature in general and the nature of man in particular, as well as on the issue of the political system and the nature of state law.

In the context indicated above, Greco-Roman civilization is the birthplace of democratic and republican regimes. However, it is also home to the critique of democracy, which has its source in philosophi­cal reflection on truth and justice. To this day, critical reflection on democracy, understood both as an idea ordering social life and as a specific political system, refers, as its source, to ancient reflection. Heraclitus of Ephesus and Plato are most often cited in this context...

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