Data publikacji : 2019-10-29

Historical determinants of the British separateness in the context of Brexit



RESEARCH OBJECTIVE: This article aims at identifying, discussing and and evaluating historical determinants of the British/English separateness. 

RESEARCH PROBLEM AND METHODS: Brexit is the sign of disintegration tendencies within the EU. Wide literature studies indicated a research gap regarding the historical determinants of the British/English separateness. The research was conducted with the application of the research methods: literature studies, critical thinking, inductive and deductive reasoning, nomothetic analysis. 

THE PROCESS OF ARGUMENTATION: The line of reasoning consists of three essential elements. At first, Brexit literature review was conducted. The next part focuses on the dynamics of the process of Brexit. The final part concentrates on the analysis of historical economic and political sources of separateness of England / Great Britain.

RESEARCH RESULTS: The conducted research made it possible to prove hypothesis according to which Brexit is yet another example of separateness of Great Britain, while separateness of Great Britain results from numerous historical determinants and – on the other hand – history of Great Britain brings numerus reasons for and indications of its separateness.  

CONCLUSIONS, INNOVATIONS AND RECOMMEDATIONS: The specific path of England to the position of world leader has left its mark not only on social relations, but also on the mentality of the English. It confirmed their belief in the uniqueness and difference as compared to other nations, which in turn nourished the tradition and traditional way of life, especially in older generations. The above stated regularity has been confirmed by the referendum on leaving the EU. The obtained research results suggest that the British separateness and its historical determinants should be considered as essential factor in the process of post-Brexit relations between the EU and the UK – both in regard to political aspects  and practical issues.





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