Call for papers: HP 2024, Vol. 15, No. 52: The image of power – media, politics, communication


The media, being a channel of communication between politicians and the public, play an important role in shaping public attitudes. Their role is used by politicians to shape opinions, popularise judgments, implement changes and gain power. Through the media, certain values are promoted, depreciated or devalued. The variety of functions performed by the media is inextricably linked to the intention of acquiring addressees. Acquisition itself takes place on terms known to the sender, but not necessarily to the addressee, which is linked to the conviction that a given message is addressed to a chosen person and represents a system of values shared by that person. Recognising the above issues as topical and relevant to the scientific discourse, we dedicate the next issue of Horizons of Politics to them. We propose the following research problems:

- the commercialisation of the media and the exercise of power,

- media in the service of political elites and their interests,

- politics and media communication styles,

- the advertising game for voters,

 - media in local and presidential elections and related trends,

- people 'known by sight' about the ways in which images of politicians are shaped,

- media profiles of politicians and the way information is conveyed,

- values and anti-values in the world of politics.

Articles are written by invited scholars representing various fields of knowledge, researchers from the social sciences (social communication and media sciences, political sciences and administration) and the humanities (philosophy, cultural sciences and religion).

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