This article is an empirical analysis of modern Sino-Russian Economic and Political Relations based on past events and present data. This issue has recently been an important question for many scholars. Both countries became neighbours only in 17th century, but the history of their mutual relations is much deeper. At a time when China is rising and its position in world affairs is getting stronger, analysis of its foreign policy towards its neighbour is extremely interesting. On the other side of the fence, a former great power, is becoming less important on the world stage: its actions may be important for the worldwide community. This analysis covers political relations, connections and ties in present times. It also explains some cultural obstacles in a hard way to achieve equilibrium in the relations. The part which covers economic relations tries to prove, that the trade imbalance is in China’s favour and that common border issues are extremely significant for both countries. Last but not least the importance of energy cooperation and the obstacles in building common pipeline are covered.
Russia ; China ; International Relations ; Pipeline ; Energy Cooperation ; Medvedev ; Border Issues ; Russian Far East ; Xinjiang ; Military Relations ; Global Politics ; Asia ; Europe ; Beijing ; Moscow ; Kosovo War
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