Piotr Świercz, The meaning of notion „nature” in the political doctrine of Thomas Hobbes against a background of „zoon politikon” conception.
The main aim of this article is to examine meaning of “nature”, “state
of nature” and “natural condition of mankind” in the political doctrine
of Thomas Hobbes. It should be emphasised that is a matter of notion
“nature”, not a Hobbes’ description of natural state. Some posibilities
are taken into consideration: “nature” as an essence, “nature” (“state
of nature”) as a wildness, “nature” as opposed to “artificial”, “nature”
as an abstract conception of human individual. To emphasize the importance
of title problem, it’s showed against a background of classical
(greek and christian) idea of zoon politikon. It seemed justified because
Hobbes’ political doctrine is considered (even by Hobbes) as opposed
to classical understanding of human nature. In the recapitulation of
this thesis author tries to indicate the reasons of Hobbes’ doctrine obscurity
and consequences of this obscurity for modern political ideas.
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