Data publikacji : 2024-06-30

Polish borders: media polarization and the representation of the refugee crises at the borders with Belarus (2021) and Ukraine (2022)

Dział: Vol. 15, No. 51 (2024): Mediation and mediatisation of the contemporary warfare


RESEARCH OBJECTIVE: this paper examines how specific media outlets (Polityka, Sieci) portrayed the Belarus and Ukraine border crises. It concentrates on refugees in the period of border crossings, capturing reactions, emotions, and decisions highlighted in the media during that period. Utilizing media polarization theory, the authors analyze similarities and differences in selected media’s coverage of the crises.

THE RESEARCH PROBLEM AND METHODS: the following research questions were asked: What is the media portrayal of the refugees on the Belarus and the Ukrainian borders? What is the impact of structural level of MP on behavioural one?  The authors conducted qualitative media content analysis, following Pisarek's (1983) research process and Mayring's (2014) Inductive Category.

THE PROCESS OF ARGUMENTATION: The theory of media polarization is presented before moving on to an analysis of the literature examining this phenomenon in the context of the refugee crises at the borders with Belarus and Poland. A qualitative content analysis using the nVIVO programme was carried out in over 100 articles published in two strategically selected structurally polarized weeklies.

RESEARCH RESULTS: Structural level of media polarization is reflected in the behavioral one. The study reveals that the main thematic focus of are the refugees at the Belarusian border, who are described via political, social, and religious themes. The crisis at the Ukrainian border also exhibits polarizing elements, primarily centering on evaluating or criticizing the authorities and addressing or ignoring uncomfortable and problematic issues that emerge in connection to the refugees

CONCLUSIONS, INNOVATIONS AND RECOMMENDATION: This study constitutes a significant contribution to the theory of media polarization, addressing it also in relation to issues of diversity, tolerance, inclusivity, and humanitarianism.





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