Data publikacji : 2022-02-24

Assessment of Young People’s Attitudes Towards Sustainable Entrepreneurship with Machine Learning Techniques Use



RESEARCH OBJECTIVE: The main purpose of the research is to assess whether the young generation in Poland has the potential to build sustainable companies by evaluating the attitudes of university students towards sustainable entrepreneurship..

THE RESEARCH PROBLEM AND METHODS: The readiness to create a sustainable enterprise was assessed on the basis of self-assessment of pro-social attitudes, business intentions and knowledge of social and environmental aspects in business with the use of multidimensional analysis based on machine learning methods.

THE PROCESS OF ARGUMENTATION: A significant challenge for policymakers, scientists and entrepreneurs is solving important social and environmental problems through the development of sustainable entrepreneurship. The implementation of this concept requires efforts to educate and shape pro-social attitudes, especially among the young generation. Therefore, the research focuses on identifying and assessing the attitudes and awareness level of pro-social aspects in business and recognition of entrepreneurial intentions among representatives of this generation.

RESEARCH RESULTS: The research results show that young people have an intuitive sense of what sustainable business is all about, but the formal knowledge in this area is low. Financial aspects, i.e. the possibility of obtaining significant income from own business, as well as independence and the possibility of being a manager, turned out to be much more motivating for entrepreneurship than the possibility of changing the world for the better, helping local communities or protecting the environment.

CONCLUSIONS, INNOVATIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: The innovative approach to multidimensional data analysis highlighted the lack of knowledge and insufficient level of pro-social attitudes among the young generation, which is a particularly worrying phenomenon in the context of formulated challenges and social and environmental needs.





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