Data publikacji : 2019-01-17

Social innovation for students as an essential factor affecting the quality of education.

Agnieszka Zielińska



RESEARCH OBJECTIVE: The research of this paper is to expose the relationship  between social innovations and the quality of education.

THE RESEARCH PROBLEM AND METHODS: Young people entering the labor market become creators of the future. It is necessary to define what should be done to improve their ability to take part in social innovations. The comparative method was used in the version of the consent method, as well as structuralism and subjectivity, additionally using the elements of the behavioral method.

THE PROCESS OF ARGUMENTATION: The essay begins by reviewing definitions of social innovations and fundamentals elements. Afterward, educational social innovations from different places all over the world including Colorado, Honk-Kong, Spain, Latvia, Poland, and Australia were described and compared. Finally, there was a presentation of research results and summary with recommendations.

RESEARCH RESULTS: Based on research, case studies and experiments led in various areas such as technology, health, medical, engineering, and entrepreneurship, this article demonstrates social innovations as an essential factor in improving social life. Universities have the key role in the lead social innovation projects, especially in cooperation with local society and local business.

CONCLUSIONS, INNOVATIONS, AND RECOMMENDATIONS: The best practices are recommended for multiplication and popularization in the future. Young people have to learn teamwork, critical thinking and ability to find added value in their activities. An article describes the best way to improve those competitions is social innovations.





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