The comparative analysis of long-term developments in Argentina and Australia is a historic issue in the academic fields. This may be due to the fact that both countries belong to the group of the so-called "fortunate countries", for their availability of vast territorial areas (Australia with 7.7 million km2 and Argentina with 2.8 million km2 continental areas), low population rates (only about 24 million inhabitants in Australia and over 43 million in Argentina) and significant natural, agricultural and mineral resources. Brazil, China, the United States, Russia, India, Canada, the Democratic Republic of the Congo and even Indonesia are also large countries with immense natural resources.
However, when considering the present value and the future potential of natural resources per capita, Argentina and Australia, together with Canada, clearly emerge as global leaders in the global context. Both countries are, geopolitically speaking, located in the so-called "ends of the world", but currently, Australia, close to Southeast Asia, is heavily influenced by China economic dynamism. Moreover, both countries are the result of European colonization but by different kingdoms. Argentina was colonized by Spain in the mid-16th century while Australia was populated since the end of the 18th century by convicts sent by the British government (to relieve further overcrowding of British prisons), along with English, Scottish and Irish settlers.
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